Wednesday 13 July 2011

I remember....

the first time coming to visit me came up in conversation.

the text messages, phone calls, emails and Skype conversations where we planned the trip.

the message you sent to tell me the trip was all paid for.

the last Skype conversation we had before you got on the plane....and the excitement we were all feeling.

the feeling of nervous anticipation mixed with excitement I had coming to meet you at the airport.

the first sight of you both in the departure area of the airport, and the smile that came to my face.

the first hug we had shared in nearly 12 months - and just how amazing it felt.

the good (and not so good) experiences we had in the month we spent exploring Europe

the sinking-heart feeling I had as we went to the airport for your flight back home.

the last hug we shared before you went through security, and how I was trying to etch the feeling into my soul.

the mental talking-to I gave myself as you walked through security, willing myself not to burst into tears.

I remember.

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